
Annual general body meeting of the organisation 2016

It is informed  that 7th annual  general  body meeting  of Asian Human Rights  Organisation  is scheduled  to conduct  at 10 AM on 3 April 2016. The venue  of meeting  is at Nakshathra Regency  Pattambi, Palakkad, Kerala.


Half yearly meeting held on 05-12-2015

In the half yearly meeting of our Organization held on 05-01-2015 at Pattambi, Kerala state, unanimously passed the following resolutions for favor of kind consideration and urgent necessary actions by the concerned government authorities

1. Footpath hawkers who prepare and sell food items are usually cooking by using oil repeatedly again and again which may cause danger to human body. Action may be taken to stop this practice as it may cause CANCER.

2. Stray dogs may be prevented as it may cause danger to the public. Sufficient guidelines and rules may passed so as to prevent stray dogs.

3. Footpath facility should be strictly provided especially in the cities/towns for the public at large and the drainage slabs may be properly maintained. The hawkers may be prevented from the footpath so as to enable the public to use the footpath effectively.

4. Stray animals should be prevented from roads so as to avoid accidents and for free movement of the vehicle.

5. Storing of scrap and debris of hospital waste in dwelling area causes carcinogenic disease and therefore it should be prevented. Such activities should be moved to a particular area with sufficient instructions from the Health Authority and Environmental Laws. The fume comes out of burning of plastic material cause hazardous gas dioxin which causes CANCER.


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